Friday, November 5, 2010

My Life Plan

i know it sounds stupid,and you are probably thinking"why would you make a life plan?"but i didn't "make" a plan in a fuzzy pink notebook written in sparkly fushia's just sort of how i want things to plan out.hopefully it will turn out that way anyway.

1.get good grades in junior high.

2.good grades throughout highschool.

3.get a 4.0 average when i graduate.

4.get a fully paid scholarship to an arts or music college.

5.somehow make money for performing music or selling art. the world.

7.die happily.

okay,so i skipped a lot between steps 4 and 5 but that's basically what i hope to do.the thing is i donj't know if music ir art is for sure something i want to do as a career.i don't really have to worry about that though just yet which is a good thing so i can remain placid until the last minute in highschool ^^.

there is this orchestra audition next saturday for people who have been play the cello/viola/violin/bass for less than 2 years and i am going to audition because it would be a good opportunity for me to experience something bigger than my orchestra class at have to play a G or D scale and a song that lasts 1-2 minutes and it you make it in you have to pay $85 which in my opinion is pricey but my mom insisted that it was okay so i agreed.hopefully it will turn out well,root for me please!

song of the day:First Dance by Never Shout Never

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