Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Vegitarian,Vitamins,and Where the Heck I've Been all This Time

hello again!the reason why i haven't posted for a while is because my laptop won't pick up any internet whatsoever even though my brother's laptop works just fine and we're in the same,right now i'm posting on my mamma's laptop.

lately,i've been trying out new being vegetarian for,right now i am temporarily vegetarian!so,my mom has me take these one-a-day vitamins so i get all my nutrients and blah,bblah,bbblah.since i'm not eating meat,it seems there are so many more foods to eat and try n_n.

i just went to my school orientation 2 days ago and sitting in front of me was a guy who had purple converse shoes!i have the same pair which i couldn't help smiling about.he also had cool glasses.and really blonde could tell he swims a lot because his hair looked like it had chlorine build up,his hair was sun bleached and he had really tan skin.sorry,but when i look at a person,i accidentally look at them from an artists point of the shape of their eyes,the shape of the jawline,the width of the shouldrs,where the nose is positioned on the face,the tones of the skin,etc.,etc.but that's how i tend to look at a person.the person i'm looking at is usually like"what the hell are you staring at?!"they don't actually say that stuff but i'm pretty sure some people might think it.

okay,so enough boring of my new favorite bands are infected mushroom.they have the coolest techno that isn't 80's or whatever at all(is techno from the 80's?).i'll put up a song by them for you guys.

okay,you probly just wasted 10 minutes of your life by reading this boring,i'll wrap it up!

song of the day:Muse Breaks by Infected Mushroom (by the way,this is a loong song.7 minutes and 21 seconds....)

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