Saturday, August 28, 2010

My First Kiss Was on my Front Lawn and it Tasted Like a Muffin

isn't muffin the funniest word?say it over and over,it's really funny when you say it over and over over.i was just listening to stephen jerzak on youtube and there was this video from the 3OH!3 and i listened to it and forgot how much i love 3OH!3's of my songs by them is my first kiss.i also like the acoustic version by stephen jerzak.that's good too.

right now i'm at my dad's and today,he took me to west music because i needed some stuff for my cello.rosin(i dropped and broke the first one i had)and a thing i put under the end-pin on my cello so that it won't slip on the floor.and i also ended up getting a strap for my guitar.there was this acoustic guitar that was beautiful!it was this rich brown-ish chestnut color and it had such a rich sound and by the hole that's in the middle of the front of the guitar(don't know what it's called)there was this dove and flowers design that was so freakin cool!i really wanted it but it was $300.00!!!*sob,sob*so expensive!

did i mention how cool african talking drums are?you hold it under your arm and it has these string around the boidy and you hit with this stick and squeeze the body with your arm and it creates differen sounds,it sounds sooo awesome!!!try one out sometime.

okay boy readers,you may wanna skip this part because i'm about to share a total girl moment.

at school there's this guy in my gym class and he's really cute and he's actuelly the person who had a twin and i couldn't figure that out.but anyway,my mom usually drops me off across the street from the school and today,i guess the person that i think is cute's name is Taylor.taylor's mom i guess decided to drop him off on the other side of the street too and him and his twin got out at the same time and i don't know if it was just my girl vision kicking in or what but the sun was hitting him and his twin perfectly and their hair was sparkling and they each had the most amazing smile on their faces.

the weird thing was when i grabbed my cello out of the back of my mom's car and i closed the door and started walking toward the school,i could see them turning around to look back at me and they were pointing at me and saying something to eachother and then they kept on walking.i don't know if they were saying something good or bad......

one of my favorite things to do this time of year is to lay on my front lawn with my friend lexys and just talk and enjoy how sweet the air smells and enjoy the sound of the leaves rustling in the is so nice.try it sometime.

song of the day:My First Kiss by 3OH!3

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